Based on “Fleeting Moment” by House, White, Shearman, Mark Blankenfield, Brandie Kemp & Mitchell Kreindel
In a desperate attempt to save their bankrupt “School for Unusual Children”, an inexperienced PTA group valiantly mounts an ambitious benefit play, written by a has been Broadway director. His near hysterical direction and the group’s questionable talent turn the production into a shambles. The scenes shift back and forth from the real tribulations of the performers to the play they are “performing”, and it is hard to tell which is sillier.
This is fast and furious theatrical fun of the first order, with us watching the fun from the “back” of the stage!
New Cabaret Seating Chart
Ticket Prices
Adults: $25.00
Students (13 – College): $15.00
Children (12 & Under): $10.00
NEW THIS YEAR! Wednesday Evening & Sunday Matinee Performances. All Tickets 10% Off
Adults: $22.50
Students (13 – College): $13.50
Children (12 & Under): $9.00
Take advantage of our optional Sunday Brunch, exclusively for the Sunday Matinee performances!
For only an additional $16 per person, enjoy a lovely buffet brunch from Haywoods On The Green that includes drink specials on Bloody Mary’s and Mimosas from the Stage Right Bar! (for those 21 and over).
Brunch is served at 1:00pm in the Courtyard! Must reserve in advanced!
James Cougar Canfield as PAUL BECKER
Georgia Fender as LAURA BECKER
David M. Farrington as TONY LANGDON
Christopher David Roche’ as ALEX MALONE
Kristina Walz as DEBBIE TURNER
Nick Brennan (Director – Footlight Frenzy) Nick is a Director/Producer/Writer. Directing: RENT (20th Anniversary Production), Lonely Planet, The Tale of the Allergist’s Wife, Thank You For Being A Friend: The Golden Girls Musical, Zombie Wedding,There’s Something I Need to Tell You, The Legend of Julie Taymor (A.D), Barcode: A Futuristic Rock Musical (A.D.), I Married Wyatt Earp (A.D.), Gimmie A Break: A 70’s Rock Musical, Falsettos, That Was Then: A New Soul Musical. Producing: Virtually Me: The Cyber-Bullying Musical, Berenstain Bears: LIVE!, Sex Tips For Straight Women From A Gay Man, Dances With Wolves: An American Musical, Jawbreaker the Musical, The Wall Flowers Web-series. Writer: Thank You For Being A Friend: The Golden Girls Musical
The mission of Millbrook Playhouse is to provide quality, professional live theatre and encourage the development and appreciation of the theatre arts with a strong educational component.